BPN Newsletter

 Subject index to the Bellagio Publishing Network Newsletter issues 1-20 (1992-1997)

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Entries are arranged in the following order of information:
Author, title of article, [geographical area covered by article (if none the article is general)], date, issue number, page number

book policies

Newton, Diana, Effective policies for the growth of a viable publishing industry: the case of Quebec [Canada] Sep 94, 11,10


Chakava, Henry, Publishing and state censorship in Kenya [Kenya] Spr 96, 16,12

Chakava, Henry, Publishing Ngugi: the challenge, the risk and the reward [Kenya] Jun 94, 10,3

Economist, Policing thoughts, Jun 93, 6,11

Jaygbay, Jacob, Self-censorship and African scholarship - implications for scholarly publishing [Africa] Nov 96, 18,14


Bugembe, Mary, Pan-African children's book fair grows in importance [Africa] Nov 96, 18,7

Bugembe, Mary, Pan African children's book fair [Africa] Dec 94, 12,4

Durand, Rosamaria, 1995 APPREB regional consultation [Asia/Pacific] Spr 96, 16,8

Durand, Rosamaria, Interregional co-operation: Unesco initiatives Spr 96, 16,20

Holder, Julie, Pan African children's book fair May 1993 [Africa] Jun 93, 6,5

Maissen, Leena, IBBY - International board on books for young people, Sep 94, 11,14

Mugo, Macharia, Workshop aims to stimulate publishing science for children [Africa] Aug 95, 14,2

Staunton, Irene, Reflections on the Bologna children's book fair, Jun 93, 6,3

Unesco prize for children's and young people's literature, Nov 95, 15,16

review - Children's books and their creators [US] Nov 95, 15,16

Children's book support scheme launched [Africa] Sep 92, 3,5

Christian publishing

Marcazzan, Sr Teresa, Association of Catholic publishers in Africa [Africa] Mar 97, 19,9

Phiri, Isaac, Promoting self-sustaining Christian publishing, Nov 95, 15,14

review - Publishing at the service of evangelization: proceedings of the seminar of Catholic publishers in Africa [Africa] Jul 96, 17,22


Smith, Kelvin, CODE Europe's place in the CODE network, Dec 94, 12,14

CODE Book House in Zimbabwe one year old [Zimbabwe] Jun 93, 6,6


Altbach, Philip G, Editorial: the split personality of publishing, Spr 96, 16,17

Jaygbay, Jacob, Commercialize or wither: the dilemma of noncommercial scholarly publishers in Africa [Africa] Apr 95, 13,11


Altbach Philip G, Unesco's interbook conference focuses on key publishing issues, Jul 96, 17,12

Altbach, Philip G, Copublishing: benefits and costs, Spr 96, 16,2

Jay, Mary, First African rights indaba, Harare 1994 [Africa] Sep 94, 11,6

Kats, Ivan, New project: encouraging the printing of key books under licence for sale at low price, Dec 92, 4,7


Altbach, Philip G, Copyright grinches, Nov 96, 18,11

Altbach, Philip G, The context of copyright in developing countries, Jun 94, 10,11

Altbach, Philip G, Copyright caveats [Asia] Dec 92, 4,5

Asiaweek, Dogging the copycats: how intellectual property can be better protected, Dec 94, 12,5

Dormer, Jane, review - Authors and owners: the invention of copyright, Sep 94, 11,15

Jay, Mary, First African rights indaba, Harare 1994 [Africa] Sep 94, 11,6

Pool, Kate, review - Intellectual property law, Jul 96, 17,19

Sutherland, John, review - Authors and origins: essays on copyright law, Aug 95, 14,15

Ze, David, Piracy in the Chinese book market [China] Aug 95, 14,7

Zell, Hans, review - Copyright and development: inequality in the information age [Africa] Apr 95, 13,13

review - Future libraries, Spr 96, 16,20

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