Nigeria International Book Fair Nigeria International Book Fair NOMA AWARD NORAD NORAD The Prince Claus Fund stimulates and supports activities in the field of culture and development by granting awards, funding and producing publications and by financing and promoting networks and innovative cultural activities. Support is given to people and in Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean. Equality, respect and trust are the essential parameters of such partnerships; quality and originality are the preconditions of support. The Prince Claus Fund for Culture and development was established to mark the 70th birthday of H.R.H. Prince Claus of the Netherlands on September 6th, 1996, for the purpose of 'expanding insight into cultures and promoting interaction between culture and development'. The Fund adopts a broad and dynamic approach to culture, based on the concept of a constantly changing culture. Culture refers both to the way people go about their daily lives and to values and processes of investing life with meaning. The Fund's chief interest is in the development of ideas and ideals and the manner in which people give form to them. The Fund regards the interaction between culture and development as confirmation of culture's integral role in development processes. The Fund is aware of the post-colonial situation in which an 'imposed' culture has become part of indigenous culture. This has resulted in cultural activities which generate new ideas and forge new contexts. The Fund recognizes the desire to rediscover and re-evaluate one's own history, while old values are sometimes reinterpreted in new circumstances with new meanings Prince Claus Fund South African Children's Book
Forum (SACBF) As the South African national section of the International Board on Books for Young People (IBBY), the SACBF nominates South African books and candidates for the various IBBY awards. The SACBF awards the annual Vivian Wilkes Award to the illustrator of an outstanding South African children’s book. The main project of the SACBF at present is hosting the 29th IBBY World Congress in Cape Town in September 2004. South African Children’s Book Forum (SACBF) Southern African
Book Development Education Trust (SABDET) SABDET works with partners in Africa and internationally in pursuing its aims, including, in particular, the Zimbabwe International Book Fair (ZIBF), and the African Publishers' Network (APNET). Paul Westlake UNESCO, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization The main objective of UNESCO is to contribute to peace and security in the world by promoting collaboration among nations through education, science, culture and communication in order to further universal respect for justice, for the rule of law and for the human rights and fundamental freedoms which are affirmed for the peoples of the world, without distinction of race, sex, language or religion, by the Charter of the United Nations. UNESCO’s constitution was adopted by the London Conference
in November 1945, and entered into effect on the 4th of November 1946
when 20 states had deposited instruments of acceptance. It currently has
188 Member States.
UNESCO The Zimbabwe International Book Fair is an international non-governmental pan-African organisation whose main objective is to promote and market African writing and publishing. The organisation is run by an independent trust set up in 1992 which holds annual international exhibitions in Harare in the first week of August. We also take part in other international events of a similar nature and we organise provincial book fairs around Zimbabwe. ZIBF has been a great success mainly because of its deliberate effort to enhance its exhibitions by organising international conferences and workshops for stakeholders in the book industry, the donor community and policy-makers. By so doing, we have provided the stage for debate and for propagating everyone's right to education and access to information. hence earning ourselves the title - Africa's premier book fair. Zimbabwe International Book Fair |
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