Bellagio Publishing Network

    This website contains info on the various activities of the Bellagio Publishing Network, including the Bellagio Publishing Network Newsletter and the Bellagio Studies in Publishing Series, which provide a wealth of information on publishing development in Africa and the south.

    Although the Network has closed and the site is no longer updated, the archive is being maintained by volunteers to support publishing development and to attest to the important work the Network had achieved in this area. For more information on the various projects and activities accomplished by the Network, see the About Us page.

© Bellagio Publishing Network 2002-2007. PO Box 1369, Oxford, OX4 4ZR, UK.
Designed and developed by Sulaiman Adebowale 2002, with the help of a grant from the Rockefeller Foundation. Comments regarding the site should be addressed to the webmaster.